The acquired of many years practical and academic experience in the field of the protection of objects of the Industrial Property and in particular Utility Models, gives us the opportunity to provide qualified assistance to our clients to gain the most reliable and stable protection of their rationalizations through registration of Utility Models abroad. да придобиват най-надеждната и стабилна защита на своите рационализации посредством регистрация на Полезени модели (П.М.) в чужбина.

Although a limited number of countries provide protection for inventions through the registration of Utility Models abroad, their number is constantly growing. Currently, the countries providing registration of Utility Models are: Angola, Argentina, ARIPO, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belize, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, OAPI, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Moldova, Russia, Taiwan Tajikistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay and Uzbekistan and others.

It should be noted that there is a requirement when filing applications for registration of a Utility Model abroad, the applicants with a permanent address or registered office in the Republic of Bulgaria are obliged to have an initial application for the same invention at the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria, which is done due to the requirements for national security.                                    

The initial application for the same invention can be made either as a national patent application or as a national application for registration of a Utility Model in the Republic of Bulgaria. After that, all rest applications for Utility Models abroad can be submitted to the countries of interest, claiming priorities from the initially filed national applications in Bulgaria. These claims of convention priority need to be made no later than 12 months from the date of the original application. In such proceedings, the filing abroad requires the mandatory authorization of a patent attorney, who is a representative before the relevant national patent departments and office. 

What assistance can we provide?

Patent Bureau - Plovdiv is part of an international network for cooperation, which includes established national and European specialized offices of patent representatives and lawyers. This guarantees us great opportunities to provide widely available and qualified assistance to our Bulgarian or foreign clients, who enjoy the most transparent and simplified procedure for registration of their Utility Models, both nationally and internationally. This is a solid basis for the maintainance of the already acquired rights, and as well as a reliable basis for subsequent international registration procedures.

Patent Bureau Plovdiv